Welcome to the webpage
hosting the national database for equidae identified or kept on the territory of the
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. This computer tool is a management system for
traceability and identification of equidae, as
well as for studbook keeping (genealogy, performance, reproduction).
Depending on your status
(horse owner, veterinarian, studbook technician, official authority, slaughterhouse or carcass collection plant), you can access certain
types of information.
If you would like to undertake an ownership change, enter a request for passport issuing for a foal, register the death of a horse, consult the list
of equidae for which you are registered as owner or ensure the
updating of your personal data, go to the discovery of this webpage ... .
For further information, please consult the information available on this webpage or contact the following official authorities:
Administration des services techniques de l’agriculture
16, route d’Esch
L-1470 Luxembourg
production.animale@asta.etat.lu - Tel : (+352) 45 71 72-241
Administration luxembourgeoise vétérinaire et alimentaire
7B, rue Thomas Edison
L - 1445 Strassen
info@alva.etat.lu - Tel : (+352) 247-83564